TIA Software, who previously suggested a 100-games-in-one idea, are holding a $100 “Limited Graphics” GameMaker contest.
The entrance criteria are as follows:
- Your game must only have 2 different colors in it. (your game may have different shades in the 2 colors you choose)
- Your game must be made of basic shapes (triangle, square, rectangle, circle, etc). If you want, you may have stick figures as characters.
- Your game must be made for this competition. (if evidence is found of your game existing elsewhere before your submission, you will be disqualified).
- You must be a registered member of the GMC to compete, and to pass a vote.
- The competition will be judged by the members of the GMC community.
No word is currently given as to how members of the GMC will judge the competition, but voting starts on November 10th.
For more information see the TIA Software website.
Hi all, just dropping in to give the latest updates of this competition.
No rules were changed, exept for the voteing rules.
All rules are still the same, some have been clarified a bit though.
Due to a large ammount of people pming me saying “judge it yourself” I have decided that I will be judgeing this competition myself.
You may still vote for your favorite games, but you need to give your reasons.
Also in latest news:
Ben, the administrator/owner of Twilight phantasm may be assisting in the judgeing process on the 20th of November.
Thank you all for your comments.
Cheers. TIA
Hmmm… Theme sounds pretty easy. Could you use three colours? White is a shade of every colour…
“September 15th, 2008 by Phil Gamble”
I would deduce from that statement that Phil Gamble started this blog. 🙂
I also see you are going to be adding some rules–that’s rarely a good thing…… 🙁
BTW I am currently scouting out people to judge the competition. Admins and site hosts from other communities etc…
I have had plenty of feedback saying why I should not let the community judge the competition.
I wouldnt want someone to win the competition simply because someone cheated and voted 100 times for example…
I have decided I would like to have atleast some controll over who wins my $100 prize.
I will update that rule when I have scouted out a few people to help judge this competition.
If you have an idea on who might be good for a judge, then please pm me on the GMC or leave a comment on the TIA website.
wow thankyou for the support. may I ask who started this blog?
Good point…
IF the $100 gets given out.
From the site: Please consider makeing a small donation to this competition. The more donations we get, the better we can make your competition experience. [sic]
And I can’t see how the voting will possibly work at the GMC, unless he expects people to view the games soley through his signature and topic in the Websites Announcements section of the site.
$100 is huge for a non-YoYo competition, congrats to TIA software for offering it.
Looks interesting, should appeal to people who aren’t very good with sprites etc. A £50 prize isn’t bad, I might enter if I’m bored.
“The competition will be judged by the members of the GMC community.” – I’d like to know how he’s going to do that.
^ That is, of course, presuming their plan was to make a topic in General Chat.
I presume if the hosts of the competition can’t persuade one of the mods/admins of GMC to attach a poll, they’ll go with the old “say who you vote for, we’ll tally” method.
I may enter, what with it being so simple and all.
I would advise the winner of the contest not to spend the $100, until it’s safely sitting in their paypal account.
There’s a reason the GMC changed their rules about member created contests.