
sPaM (PM spam)

On Saturday morning I received my first unsolicited Personal Message at the GMC.

It was from FullForceGames and was an attempt to get me to join their gamemaker team (I think), unless it was some crafty way to try and increase traffic to their website.

Here is the PM in full:

Hi, we are starting a new website that will have a large collection of free downloadable games for everyone to download, we are making our own game and and we want people to help us out

We are going to get as many people as we can to join the team, so games can be made faster and better

When we have got everyone, we would send you a pm about the game which is being made next, and if you want to help out with it you just need to pm us saying that you want to help, and what you want to help out in, and then once the game is finished your name would be put in the credits

We need, graphics artists, people who can animate sprites, People to make background music and people to make sfx

If you would like to join the FullForceGames team pm me asap


Now, I’ll admit it – I send unsolicited PMs, meaning that I send Personal Messages to people who haven’t requested that I PM them – but there is nothing wrong with this if it is done correctly. The PMs I have sent have been to alert the people behind that they had porn on their site and I have also contacted a couple of people related to articles in this blog, namely the owners of the sites concerned.

Now I can’t prove it, but I guess, from the wording of the PM that FullForceGames are sending this PM to lots of people. Quite why they assumed I may be interested in joining their ‘team’ I don’t know. I guess they just saw that I had been active in the forum so decided to PM me. Too bad they are looking for help with graphics, which is coincidentally the thing I am worst at. Maybe I should accept their offer and *help* them with their projects 😀

Now I wonder whether I should drop them an unsolicited PM to let them know that their unsolicited PM is featured on this blog… 😛

What do you think?


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  1. Well ok. I wasnt at home when you sent me that PM so i couldnt delete it. I said use the report button so another admin will see it and delete it. Sorry for the confusion.

  2. Hi Stu,
    What I was saying was that I PMed ds.bloodbath to tell him that there was porn on the site ( and he didn’t seem to remove it with any urgency, instead telling me to use the report form on the site.

  3. Umm If people uploaded porn on my website, we cant stop it. Once we find out that there is porn, we delete it. So its not like we put porn on there and leave it. I think you need to PM those ppl back and say the porn is gone.

  4. I find these really annoying. Especially because the websites generally don’t deserve new visitors and don’t have half the things they claim to on them.

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