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Jesse Venbrux’s Game Maker Games Earn $1500 on Mac

You Probably Won't Make It (Venbrux) - Vetra Games Two of Jesse Venbrux’s creations which were published in the Mac App Store in January have reached sales of $1,500 to date.

The games are the YoYo Games competition-winning Frozzd and You Probably Won’t Make It, both of which are freely available on PC.



You Probably Won’t Make It is the most successful of the two titles having been featured by Apple twice and accounting for over 90% of the two titles revenue.

Both games, which sell for $0.99 in the Mac App Store, are published by Vetra Games using GameMaker for Mac.

Frozzd – Mac App Store
You Probably Won’t Make It – Mac App Store

What do you think?


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  1. Jesse :The amount is indeed low, but it’s still welcome since these aren’t new games. If YPWMI is the 26th most paid game, that means sales overall must be very low for games on the Mac App Store?

    Yes, I thought the same.

    FredFredrickson :
    Wow, that’s a surprisingly low sum — I would have expected much more for some reason. I wonder how the sales of the mobile apps have been, by comparison?

    I also believe it’s a matter of scale and the right moves in order to ramp sales up even higher. Right now, the amount we’ve made isn’t in the millions (sadly. :P), however, with bigger scale (more games), better awareness of where all these games are coming from, the right moves (you’ll hear about this soon, it’s in the making), and Game Maker Studio, I don’t think the amounts are that bad: the games are standing out, which is good.

    Remember that 90% of Mac users probably still don’t shop at the Mac App Store: the concept is new, a lot of people are still on Tiger and Leopard, they don’t know what the app store is: it takes time for all this. Once Apple addresses those issues (I’m sure they’ll do that somehow), the games dug themselves a little niche that’s about to grow. The games are selling REALLY well within the Mac App Store, the Store just needs to grow (and it will).

    I’ve actually been studying the Mac App Store market closely. We have a strategy behind this, it’s not just putting Jesse’s game up and looking at how they do. Give us time.

  2. The amount is indeed low, but it’s still welcome since these aren’t new games. If YPWMI is the 26th most paid game, that means sales overall must be very low for games on the Mac App Store?

    iOS has been a lot more profitable. YoYo doesn’t want me to publish the numbers without permission, but it would be interesting to do so, so I should consider asking them about it.

  3. Wow, that’s a surprisingly low sum – I would have expected much more for some reason. I wonder how the sales of the mobile apps have been, by comparison?

    You’ve also got to wonder if Mac users are ever going to get jilted by all of this… Are they aware that PC users can download and play these games for free? That would annoy me if I were Mac only.

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