2007 has come and gone. Here, by request, is a list of the most popular posts on GameMakerBlog which has been online since April.
Most discussed posts
Gnazine, Pt. 2 (34 comments) by tuntis
This, ummmm, ‘magazine’ has returned with a second issue. God help us.
Yay! A Threat. (33)
ShadePlay wasn’t too happy that I exposed his ever-changing age and wanted to shut me up.
It’s happened… (27)
Someone took offence to my comments in MarkUp
A quality read… MarkUp or GMTech? (25)
Discussing the rivaly between the two Game Maker magazines.
ShadePlay23’s Game Maker School (24)
Exposed: GameMakerSchool creator ShadePlay has three different dates of birth.
GMTV Finally Out (23)
Announcing the release of the first episode of Dan Egger’s Game Maker TV show
Deja Vu? (22)
Announcing the Game Maker Helper Videos. Enough said.
GMHV Hiatus (21) by tuntis
Less than a month after the launch GMHV aren’t making any more videos!
Most viewed posts
YouTube Trailer – Naruto: Ninja Way
Almost a thousand of you wanted this. Google is king.
YoYo host GameMaker 7 Pro Crack*
YoYo are hosting a crack to their own product. It’s actually a virus.
Not using a cracked version, honest*
Widespread piracy of GameMaker*
Stencyl is a not-yet-launched open-source game development and distribution platform. Stencyl.org is mine.
Open Source Game Maker
GameMaker consider going open-source. Well actually “maybe one day [YoYoGames will] think about going Open Source”.
Get Paid to Post
Introducing GameMakerBlog’s “Research” *cough*advertising*cough* programme.
YoYo doesn’t care about piracy of GameMaker
It’s sad but true. And I haven’t even mentioned ‘incompetence’ yet.
*Most people viewing these pages were looking for GameMaker cracks.
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