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YoYo Games hint at Revenue Sharing

Sandy from YoYo Games has hinted at the introduction of a revenue sharing scheme for games hosted on their website.

Sometime later this year we will make some big changes to the way that this site works and many of you will have the opportunity to earn some money for the games that you have created.

One of the opportunities I’m looking at for YoYo Games is to include adverts with your games. It’s very likely if we did this that we will be able to pay you for this.

Finally, some innovation by YoYo.

Also released are some videos of GameMaker 7 on Mac OSX.

What do you think?


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  1. Do you know why YoYo released this footage? They got the idea from me. I asked them for some “video” to put on Gamemaker TV only a few days ago.

    On another note, it looks good enough to release.

  2. On one note, considering there are some great video softwares for MAC good ones to record. Also, considering that YoYo calls them selfs a company, the video is pretty horrible. It makes me wonder if they have the G3’s heck they even ran the light version. Plus, brad is right about a week ago we asked if we could have footage on the show, then today two days ago they decided to whip out camstudio and record it. Not that I’m mad just more shocked at the poor video quality.

  3. “Game Maker for Mac” is actually version 7.0 and not cosnidered 8. If you look in the video, you’ll see the titlebar says “Game Maker 7.0 Lite”

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