Yesterday GameMakerBlog reached 6 months online. 6 months in which I have spouted my views and opinion about YoYoGames, GameMaker and more often than not its community of users. 6 months in which GameMakerBlog has gone from nothing to slightly more than nothing. There have been over 150 posts, over 750 comments, and lots of arguments and controversy.
Before there was just me but I’ve welcomed along several regular commentators and more recently Grego and tuntis have started to write for GameMakerBlog – here’s to the next 6 months, and a lot more after that as well I hope!
Below are links to the most popular, and some of my favourite posts from the last 6 months.
Most viewed posts:
- YouTube Trailer – Naruto: Ninja Way
- Stencyl
- Widespread piracy of GameMaker*
- Not using a cracked version, honest*
- A quality read… MarkUp or GMTech?
*frustrating thieves is fun
Posts with most comments:
I have modified the template to reflect this – I agree it is a very good idea to have it, thanks for the suggestion 😀
…my apologies, i did not notice your second comment
It reads who wrote it on the main page (but not in the post’s single page, for some reason)
Well done, this is a great site, and I hope you continue with this
My apologies, it is shown on the homepage. How about showing it on the article+comment page too?
How about a feature to show which author has written which articles, so we can actually see whose “views and opinions” we are reading?
Wow, I thought this was around a lot longer than that. Well, cool!
{Random flaming} 😉