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Gnazine, Pt. 2

And gNAZIne, my Game Maker magazine of choice returns with a stunningly awesome second issue!

This issue contains 12 whopping pages of quality text, and best of all, free advertisement to Markup, GMTech, GMTV and some other parties. What’s even better, there are no movie reviews in this time: just plain GM material (with the exception of a small rant, “Real web programmers use Notepad” near the end of the issue).

Great effort has also been put into proofreading this, which is proven by this sentence:

I want to see who can make the best screen saver before January 15, 2007!

And that’s not all, their eye-blowing banner here really finishes the deal:


What do you think?


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  1. Dude, I can do your graphics if you want me to… just PM me on GMC or go to my website.
    No offense, but that banner…..who did it?

    Just let me know if you want me to do any graphics for you.

  2. Hardcoregamer, just leave. Nobody likes you anymore. I even have 27 other straight comments about people wanting you to leave, ESPECIALLY you making the record for being the idiot with the lowest reputation in the GMC. Just log-out, and don’t come back. Why do you waste the moments of your pitiful life hanging around the GMC if all you’re doing is just trolling other web sites that are announced. Clearly, your acceptance on the GMC is shown completely by your reputation. I’m giving you until new years to completely leave the Game Maker Community. After then, you have no guarantee of me and I will tear you apart.

    “I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.”

  3. @HardCoreGamer:
    I’m repeating faltzer many times to make this clear:
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.
    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.

  4. Don’t you have any self respect? What is here for you? Seriously? Don’t you understand that if we can insult you for 2 straight pages without any consequences…that no one particularly likes you or your “magazine”? You make it so easy to trash you too; You’re dimwitted, unintelligent and clearly the social retard here.

    I’m giving you sound advice, leave, you AREN’T wanted.

  5. I duno, there are a lot of half baked GM discussion forums online… then again, this site might actually work well in conjunction with a forum (You could just import posts into the forum from the site’s RSS feed and have the comments be the forum posts, not much point but it gives you a little more control over your comments and editing.

  6. Mostly Mark. His friends and family probably supported him. I know for a fact that he did 98% of the coding himself. Every once in a while, he’d borrow a script from someone else with permission and would put it in GM.

  7. How did I miss this Hardcoregamer SHUT THE HELL UP! Gamemaker TV has a staff of 2 people. I do nearly the entire show while Revel takes care of minor stuff. The show takes a lot more to make than your “Gnazine” I mean thank you for the advertising but common Boo Hoo you only have one person working on it. Lots of great things have one person working on it the original gamemaker was made by Mark and Mark alone at least I believe so.


    I CAN IMPROVE ONLY WITH THE HELP OF OTHERS, NO ONE PERSON IS AN ISLAND. I can not make an ultra rare magazine on my own. I need the approval, assistance, and care from people of the gmc. We all make mistakes, and mistakes are to be learned from, not mocked, flamed, or ranted on.

    Before one reviews, think about it, could one person be a web designer, programmer, writer, reporter, and public relations all at once.

    I need help from those I am trying to assist, and that is the community of the GMC.

    Thank you for your time.

  9. I’m a web designer and I can also program HTML/CSS and I’ve also made a small game project. I’m also myself at the same time. I bet if I wanted to, my comic would come out much better. The fact that you were not accepting BrandMan211’s criticism before means that you suck up to the staff – especially Smarty. Can you answer why you accepted his criticism without any objection? Were you afraid that he would ban you if you didn’t?

  10. “I can not make an ultra rare magazine on my own”

    It’s a collectible! Someone take a copy to antiques road show 🙂


  11. After reading the whopping 12 pages I must admit it’s great improvement on the original. Not to say this doesn’t still suck just is Crap unlike the original which was dog crap.

  12. I am not going to be mean.

    I am not going to be mean. I am not going to be mean. I am not going to be mean. I am not going to be mean. I am not going to be mean. I am not going to be mean. I am not going to be mean. I am not going to be mean. I am not going to be mean. I am not going to be mean.

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