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[Tutorial] HTML5 games and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
GameMakerBlog Tutorials HTML5 Games and Cross-Site Scripting If you have ever looked up any of the http_* methods in the Gamemaker: Studio documentation you have surely seen the following warning about cross domain issues: “NOTE: You should be aware that due to XSS protection in browsers, requests to and attempts to load resources from across […] More
in Community, Community Links, Development, Examples, GameMaker Studio 2, GMC, Tips & Tricks, Tutorials
[GameMaker Tutorial] What is a Room
GameMakerBlog Tutorials What is a GameMaker Room The official documentation of a Room can be found here and at a high level it is a container that can hold object instances and assets. There can be more than one room in your game, rooms can parents of other rooms, rooms can be added dynamically while the […] More
[GameMaker Tutorial] Top Down: Make an enemy unit face the player
GameMakerBlog Tutorials Top Down Game: Make an enemy unit face the player GM Version: GameMaker Studio 2 Making an Enemy unit face the player or even face a certain direction is a question that shows up on the GameMaker Community forums many times and is a fundamental function in creating any game that has enemy […] More
The Necessity of Multitasking and How to Deal With It
Coding, testing, checking with tutorials and peers—creating a game or an app is the embodiment of multitasking, it weighs on your body and mind the same way it does on your computer. Switching between windows to check on a mail/message from your fellow programmer (or your mom/girlfriend/doc/whoever the hell you mail with) or to watch […] More
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GMB is up for Sale!
I’m really short on time these days so I’ll keep this brief. I had high hopes when I took over the reins back in November last year. I started to implement a lot of new things and the content was coming nice and regularly. Readership is up, income is growing steadily and the subscriber count […] More
in Blog News, Development, Distribution, Education, GameMaker Development, GameMaker for iOS, GameMaker for Steam, GameMaker Studio, Games, Interviews, Marketing, Steam Greenlight, Tips & Tricks, Websites
GameDev Behind The Scenes #2 – Killing Scope Creep and Finishing Your Game
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes throughout an indie game’s development cycle? In this ongoing devlog series for my upcoming game Missile Cards, I’m peeling back the curtain to share my processes, thoughts, tips, and experiences as I develop and launching a small commercial game on Steam using GameMaker Studio. More
in Blog News, Development, Distribution, Early Access, GameMaker Development, GameMaker Studio, Games, Interviews, Steam Greenlight, Tips & Tricks
GameDev Behind The Scenes #1 – Making A Small Sellable Game Fast by @nmeunier
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes throughout an indie game’s development cycle? In this ongoing devlog series for my upcoming game Missile Cards, I’m peeling back the curtain to share my processes, thoughts, tips, and experiences as I develop and launching a small commercial game on Steam using GameMaker Studio. In […] More
If It’s On The Internet It Must Be True
If you’ve found yourself reading this article then I can only assume that you’re either a game developer that uses or follows GameMaker Studio or that you’ve been tricked into reading it purely on the amazing title that I given this article, if that’s the case then all I’m going to say is you’ve made […] More
in Blog News, Books, Comment, Community, Community Links, Competition, Development, Discounts, Distribution, Education, Examples, Free Software, Game Maker 8, GameMaker Development, GameMaker for Android, GameMaker for iOS, GameMaker for Linux, GameMaker for Mac, GameMaker for Playstation, GameMaker for Steam, GameMaker for Tizen, GameMaker for Web, GameMaker for Win 8, GameMaker for Xbox, GameMaker Game Reviews, GameMaker Media, GameMaker Studio, Games, GMC, Interviews, Marketplace Links, Other Game Development Tools, Reviews, Technical, Tips & Tricks, Tutorials, Websites, YoYo Games
Ownership Change – What Now For GMB?
Those of you that still frequent this blog for its amazing resources will know that Matthew posted this final post way back in March 2015, over 18 months ago now. It was with this post that he declared the end of his contribution to this blog and the time-consuming maintenance that comes with running a […] More
in Blog News, Books, Comment, Community, Community Links, Competition, Development, Discounts, Distribution, Education, Examples, Free Software, Game Maker 8, GameMaker Development, GameMaker for Android, GameMaker for iOS, GameMaker for Linux, GameMaker for Mac, GameMaker for Playstation, GameMaker for Steam, GameMaker for Tizen, GameMaker for Web, GameMaker for Win 8, GameMaker for Xbox, GameMaker Game Reviews, GameMaker Media, GameMaker Studio, Games, GMC, Interviews, Marketplace Links, Other Game Development Tools, Reviews, Technical, Tips & Tricks, Tutorials, Websites, YoYo Games
GameMaker Blog Ceasing Publication
UPDATE: GameMaker Blog is alive and well but under new ownership, read more here. I’m leaving this post up as it was Matthew’s last post and explains why the blog was inactive for 18 months. ——————————————————————————————————————————– Unfortunately, GameMaker Blog will be ceasing publication for the foreseeable future. I’m no longer able to maintain the website […] More
Tech Blog – Properly Scaling Games
YoYo Games, the developers of GameMaker Studio, have posted a new tech blog article discussing how to properly scale games to fit various devices and resolutions. The two-part series, aimed at intermediate and experienced users, focuses on manipulating the GUI layer and views using the GameMaker language. More
Tech Blog – User Interface Tips & Shortcuts
YoYo Games, the developers of GameMaker Studio, have posted a new tech blog article discussing tips and tricks that will help you navigate the user interface more efficiently. The tech blog highlights useful and somewhat cryptic shortcuts too; you’re sure to learn something new! More